
5 Ways That Blogging Helps SEO

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If you are looking to improve your website’s SEO performance, there are a variety of techniques that you can use. One of these techniques is blogging. But how do blogs help SEO? The goal of SEO is to boost your site’s ranking potential with key optimisations that show Google that your site offers the best possible solution for common user search queries. With this in mind regular blog posts aimed at your customers’ pain points that offer solutions are a great way to improve your website’s SEO and improve website traffic.

In this article, we will be covering 5 ways that blogging helps SEO, so let’s dive in!

You can target long-tail keywords

Long tail keywords, as the name suggests, are longer search queries that receive a lower volume of searches every month. These are usually query-based terms such as ‘How does blogging help SEO?’ Because of their low volume and their specificity, there will be much less competition to rank. This means you can get more of your pages ranking in the top search results on Google and generate more visits from your target audience. Targeting long-tail keywords is a vital part of SEO and should be included in every SEO strategy.

You will consistently create fresh content

Content is king, and you must consistently bring new content onto your site to keep things fresh. A regularly updated blog indicates a more trustworthy site to new users and will likely increase engagement rate (the percentage of users that spend over 10 seconds on your site), which will, in turn, make your site more trustworthy in the eyes of Google. A site that has not been posted on in years is likely to be left behind in terms of rankings!

Provide useful information for your target audience

Your website users are looking for information and solutions to problems. By offering a wide variety of blogs offering solutions to common issues in your area of expertise you can make your site a hub of information and solutions to problems. This means people naturally drift towards your site when they see it in SERPs to get the necessary answers.

Create more internal links

Another way that blogging helps SEO is through internal linking. These internal links are the backbone of a website. You will have seen websites that have poor internal linking (and likely clicked off right away!) These sites are very difficult to navigate and provide a poor user experience. As well as this, Google will find it much more challenging to index the site, meaning that when you submit your sitemap, Google’s crawlers will miss out on certain pages and you will lose out on potential organic traffic. You can improve your site’s internal linking structure by creating clear and relevant internal links and linking to other pages or related blogs.

Build up your number of indexed pages

Ranking high on Google relies on a variety of factors but one that is key is to have a broad range of indexed pages. This shows a more trustworthy site that has a wider influence. Building up a series of high-quality blog posts targeting long-tail keywords will naturally increase the number of indexed pages on your site and help grow your influence on SERPs.

So there are 5 ways blogging helps SEO; by creating regular blog content, you will contribute to an important SEO ranking factor and give your site the best chance of ranking well on Google SERPs. If you need support with your website’s SEO, we can help! Get in touch today and discover how we can help you succeed in a competitive market.